Monday, October 12, 2009

full up

As of late, life has been full

full of friends
and loved ones

full of yoga
and kickboxing

full of bunny
and bunny fur tumbleweeds

full of joy
and joyful moments strung together like fairy lights

full of ambitions
and ambitious endeavors

full of hope
and pleasant celebrations

full of local apples
and juicy enjoyment

yes, indeed, I am full up with life!


Maddy Avena said...

Hi Melissa. You left a comment on my BodyTales blog. Do we know each other at all in the wider cyber world? (I'm from LI, but gone for many years) Can I be invited to Finding Maitri?
Rock on,

Maddy Avena said...
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Melissa said...

last comment deleted to protect Maddy's email address from evil spammers.