Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Originally uploaded by misslissa13
i cannot take credit for this, but I can share it for the "awesome factor," no?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

irish dance

Originally uploaded by misslissa13
step lively, y'all.

union rat

union rat cropped
Originally uploaded by misslissa13
Drive by photo on the Long Island Expressway in Suffolk County. The next day, the rat was gone but there was a nice bright orange spray painted sign on the iron beams about boycotting non-union supporting businesses. The day after, that protest sign was half blacked out.

And the construction continues.

the aliens have landed

the aliens have landed
Originally uploaded by misslissa13
and are hanging out on Portion and Holbrook roads. Oh, the things I get to see on my commute to work.


boddie nose
Originally uploaded by misslissa13
the nose knows

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

feed me

feed me
Originally uploaded by misslissa13
This must be good practice for a newborn. Sleep deprivation, accidents, messes, safety proofing, constant monitoring...and nothing but love.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

i am surrounded by love

i am surrounded by love
Originally uploaded by misslissa13
This was one of the most thoughtful gifts I have ever received. The rock bowl in the front was given to me for Christmas by a client. She was always drawn to the rock bowl (middle bowl) I have in my office; my earth element.

She put one rock for each of my years she believes I have lived. She further explained that two of the rocks represent my parents because they "must be wonderful people since they did a great job raising you." She added the bag to represent the love that surrounds her (she is the small heart in the center. A dear friend of hers and I are the two larger hearts). I teared up when she gave this to me.

Sweet, right? However, I believe my true gift is knowing her and many of my other clients that impact my life in such positive ways. As a therapist, it is often perceived that the therapist helps the client, which is true. Therapeutic tools and techniques work, however, the therapist-client relationship is the most healing aspect. Therapists are human and as a human I benefit, albeit in a different way, as much as my clients do. I learn from each one of them. Sometimes, it is by mirroring some of my own "in need of improvement" parts (yes, I still bite my nails when I am bored or stressed) but mostly it is getting the opportunity to get to know these individuals. That are amazing people.

I am thankful everyday for the work I get to do and I hope that you, too, dear readers, are surrounded by love.

Happy Easter, yo!

I have risen...out of bed. Not nearly as impressive as what Jesus did, but a feat for me none-the-less.

May your day be filled with family, good food, fun and lots of bunnies!

Friday, April 2, 2010

3000 Is the magic number

Oh yes it is. It's the magic number! I made it to my three-thousand supervised hours of as a counselor in the State of New York. That means I have officially completed my last requirement for my license as a mental health counselor (LMHC). Now, to start working on opening my own private practice...eventually.

It felt like it was going to take forever... but it didn't. Woo hoo. Now who needs some therapy????

we are going to need a bigger bed

The big lug puppy finally has a name:

Boddington, or Boddie for short. No one else seems to like the name, but we think it's cute and fitting. We narrowed down our list of names we liked and said them aloud to the pup. He wagged his tail wildly for Boddington. He likes it, we like...that's what counts.

He is a good boy. A real good boy.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

rescue puppy

Originally uploaded by misslissa13
Meet the newest member of the family.

He was saved by Last Chance Animal Fund
They had given him the name Tristan, but we haven't decided what we are going to name him.

He is scared but sweet as can be and the first night went really well.