Tuesday, November 13, 2007

packing, art, packing, raw food planning, packing and...uh...packing

packing packing packing
Originally uploaded by misslissa13
And taking some time to walk and take some pictures for Art Every Day Month. This picture is not one of them....these are boxes...no really...they are. Greg and I have been checking "to do's" off the list and slowly packing. We have got the rental truck reserved for Saturday and have a couple of friends and family helping on both ends of the move. Whew! Though the more the merrier. (nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more)

As for my daily art, pictures have been the easiest way since most everything is in chaos. Well not total chaos, just unique disarray. I have also been doodling with my Sharpies (oh my, that sounds a little perverted out of context) and letting myself "play" with ink and paper. It has been quite fun. I will have to scan some of them to share soon.

Other than that, we have been trying to get some exercise in to our days and I am putting together a thirty-day primarily raw foods menu for the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I just read through Ani Phyo's book, Ani's Raw Food Kitchen, which has some amazing recipes I am looking forward to making. We will see how we feel after thirty days and will adjust what percentage of raw foods work for us in the long term. That should also be long enough to detox our bodies, get past that initial ucky-detoxy feeling and see how good we feel. I will keep you updated as things transpire.

That is all for now, folks. Here are the pictures I chose for AEDM (lots more photos on flickr):


1 comment:

Banana-head Pancake said...

I'd love to hear how the raw foods go, I've always been curious!