Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
the next thirty
30 Day completely vegan diet (I am already a lacto-ovo-pesca vegetarian; I'd take it to the next level with inspiration from my new vegan cookbook)
30 Day sugar purge (no added sugar/sweets/juices, except whole fruit/whole fruit smoothies)
30 Day apartment cleaning/purging project
30 Day stay within points diet
30 Day raw foods (Though I have done this one before and, even though I felt great it is a bit pricey with the amount of nuts, raw cheeses, etc.)
30 Day creative arts (not counting my 365 on flickr)
30 Day cardio
30 Day spend no extraneous spending
I am not sure which feels right but I am likely to start before the end of the yoga challenge so I need to get deciding! As for the yoga challenge, I am already up to day 19. I am truly feeling the health improvements more each day. The increase in muscle strength is most evident to me now. I deeply want to, and will, continue this as a daily practice. It is never a chore to fit it into my daily endeavors. This is more than I hoped for when I put myself to the challenge. I wonder if I can make this one a 365 challenge...hmm......
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
My body feels so much better and I can feel the difference in my muscles and joints. My flexibility is increasing, strength is building and my mind is clearer.
This is definitely a habit that will continue beyond the 30 days. I was debating making it a 365 challenge, but I would have to have a disclaimer for days that I am sick because, really, a main part of yoga is listening to your body and giving it what it needs...which is usually yoga!
the mark of a birth
It never bothered me having them except when, as a child, my older brother would say that I have dried leaves stuck to my leg. It's funny, the things that bother you as a child, but it did. Now I just chuckle and think, "It's true. They do kind of look like dried leaves...if you flip it over and squint a little." Perfect!
What are some of your "perfect flaws"?
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
those boys are much too much
The actor in this is priceless!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
(sun) salutations!
I start feeling better as the orange Y's continue filling up the calendar boxes. Coincidence? I think not! And Groovy joins in with me, too!
Why the "30 day" challenge motivates me, I am not too sure. It could be my competitive nature of team sports as a child/teen that I used to strive on. It could be my goal-setting nature. Or it could be something I have not yet tapped. Whatever the core reason, I do not need to have a deep understanding to reap the benefits.
At this point, I'm thinking that my next 30 challenge will be an addition to my life rather than a replacement of the yoga challenge. This regular yoga practice is a good mind/body-focusing tool that will support any subsequent challenge.
The next question is: What will my next 30-challenge be????? Any ideas?
Stay tuned for late breaking news!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
beautiful mess
To do this, I challenged myself to
30 days straight of daily yoga practice.
On Demand,
or DVD,
it doesn't matter
as long as I am practicing.
This is me post yoga workout day 3. (yoga glow?)
I did a class that was challenging to me. (I did it with modifications but stuck all the way through the full 55 minutes.)
I'm going to do this class again towards the end of the 30 days.
Let's see what a breeze this class will be at that point.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Behind this is a laundry list of goals. I used to keep a running list in my dally planner and record the dates I achieved each one. This system feels antiquated to me now and does not spark me to move forward. Today I need something more visual. Inspired by "inspiration boards" that some artists and creative individuals use (sometimes a cork board that they affix photos, items, words, etc. to that inspire them to create), I'm starting an "inspiration wall".
Since, I am in the process of creating a studio space in the apartment (formerly the second half of the table nook in the kitchen; first half is already commandeered by Sherman), I have decided to start out with sticky notes of the things I want to do and/or become. I adore the idea of being able to move, rearrange and hold them in my hands. Perhaps a small photo or picture to go along with each will add to the inspiration. I'll see how it evolves.
Having my goals and inspirations right there in front of me perhaps will help me pinpoint which to tackle next (or concurrently. Again, I will see what happens.)
So today, I do indeed know who I am: a self-inspiring motivating organizer. (Hmm, I hope that will fit on my business card...)
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I am thankful for laughter,
and comedy
and belly laughs
and the laughs of children
and finding the humor in life
and hearing loved ones laugh
yes, laughter.
I am grateful for laughter.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I am grateful for:
having family and friends in my life
falling asleep wit Greg holding my hand every night
being able to give to others even when times are tough
art and creativity
finding hope
experiencing joy
the possibility of having a child
my cyber-friends that share their stories online
having a mother who can handle anything life hands her
having a father who is going to get through difficulty and come out even stronger in the end
having a brother who has always been my hero
having a sister-in-law that enhances his life and our family
having a best friend and her family that has always been my family too
Greg putting up with me, no matter what shenanigans I present :)
being able to learn and grow every day
having a job in these tough economic times
every one that has been in my life, are in my life now and who will be in my life in the future
a childhood where I was always encouraged to be me
being able to recognize gratitude
you, for reading my words, rants, raves and expressions
more to come
Saturday, November 22, 2008
i'm not using all blood anyway
Thanks to my flickr friend DeHoll posting this picture the other day
I was inspired and did a walk in donation today.
I'm posting this because I am hoping to inspire at least one of you to go out and donate, too.
You'll be saving a life at a time of year when the blood banks tend to have a shortage.
And if you are not into the whole life saving thing, then donate in honor of the tween marketed Twilight!
Next time I can donate is January 17th. Maybe I'll see you there!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
i'm melissa and i'm a chap-a-holic
I get overjoyed to buy the mega Costco size package.
I can leave on at work,
one in my briefcase,
one in my bag,
one in my jacket, on in my pocket,
one by the bed,
one in the bathroom,
yeah, I got a problem.
But I can quit whenever I want! Honest!
Something that keeps me motivated is working towards tangible goals. The past few days my focus has been directed at sorting out my next goal (or concurrent goals). Though I strive on the sense of moving forward, sometimes my laundry list of goals itself is what keeps me stagnant. (Aaaa!!! Too many choices! Where to begin? Where to begin???)
My immediate goal for the next couple of days is to sit down and transfer this mental list of goals (ooo, "mentalist"....sorry, humor in my own mind) into a tangible format. Perhaps in an artistic way. There is great potential and great possibility, now to organize my focus. I will share more as this project progresses.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
horoscope and career in conflict
Be careful about how you approach any kind of tense situation today, unless you want to get involved in arguments! Your urge to step in and help someone is admirable, but unwise. It is best to let other people handle their dramas, even if you are somewhat involved. Unless you started the fight, you can't get involved in ending it. Surrounding yourself with peace and quiet is a much healthier and pleasant goal for this day. So if the fur starts flying, head for greener pastures.
Wow, as a mental health therapist, this kind of gets in the way of doing my job. Shoulda taken a personal day. sigh.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
comment for a chance to win!
The description:
Crystal lotus candle holders. Set of 2. Shannon Crystal by Godinger.
(additional pictures on flickr)
To enter:
Leave a comment telling of an act of kindness you have experienced, whether you were bestowing, receiving or witnessing said kindness. Winner will be chosen at random. (All names will be put on pieces of paper and the one Sherman nibbles on first wins. If that isn't unbiased, I don't know what is! Yes, I am a dork.) Please make sure there is a means of contacting you if you should win (email address, email me on flickr, mental telepathy).
Good luck! You have a few days to enter.
Monday, November 10, 2008
The sound of feet shwoosh shwoosh shwooshing through piles
While the brisk air make senses come alive.
The smells, simultaneously earthen and heavenly,
grounds my sense.
I love bundling up in clothing to keep warm.
Each layer an added hug of the body.
I love the change of it all
and that hope that this brings.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
and on the topic of license plates
Travel on!
f.u.n. at the d.m.v.
First off, you have to have the original bill of sale (which of course is still hiding somewhere in moved boxes of papers....or did RI take my last copy?). Luckily, I got another copy mailed to me from the dealership.
Then you need a copy of the title with the leinholder. In some states (Colorado and Rhode Island included) the leinholder receives the original until it is paid in full, at which time you would receive a clean copy of the title. Not so in New York. The possessor of the car gets the title with the leinholder on it, then when it is paid off, you trade in the title for a clean one. A couple of weeks ago, I contacted the bank back west and requested a certified copy of the title. When I went down to the DMV with what they had mailed me, the DMV informed me that it was not certified. Luckily, a branch of my leinholding bank is in the same lot as the DMV. They were very helpful, notorizing my title copy and typing up a letter giving me permission to register the car.
Trouble averted. I went back and was able to register with ease. So, I am once again, the proud driver of a car with NY plates! Luckily, the future moving plans keep me in the same state. But I think I will brave the Long Island traffic for a spell before moving again.....and wait until AFTER I pay off the loan.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
little jackie
Here's another video that may be offensive to some (but entertaining to me):
Sunday, October 26, 2008
stay at home dads get some props - Watch more free videos
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Well, I am off to get Sherman's nails tamed, then I heading in to the city with my pops to the PhotoPlus Expo.
Gonna get my photo-groove on!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
dear dr schnookleheimer
Here's a letter and response from the "Dear Prudence" column and I just had to add my two cents at the bottom. Read on:
Mr. Right Is Never Wrong My genius boyfriend wins every argument, and I'm sick of it.
Posted Thursday, Oct. 16, 2008, at 6:57 AM ETDear Prudence,
My boyfriend and I are both in our early 20s and have been dating for three years. We have a really strong relationship in almost every way, and I can't imagine being with anyone else. But here's the rub: My boyfriend is a genius. In so many ways, I love this about him. He challenges me to think about things, I am constantly learning, and he is always honest and rational. Unfortunately, these last two qualities have caused a bit of strain. I consider myself a very intelligent person also—nowhere near his level, but I've always felt confident academically. This sometimes takes a hit when I am around him. I rarely win arguments because I simply can't keep up with him. In matters of politics or world issues, this can be frustrating, but it doesn't really raise my ire. However, sometimes his argumentative style and calculating rationale are applied to our relationship. In many situations, I feel as though I am the one who has to compromise because he always wins the argument. I know my positions are reasonable, but I just can't articulate them as well as he does. I have talked to my boyfriend about this, but I think he has a hard time seeing my point of view—that though my feelings may not always be logical or rational, they are still valid. Am I being unreasonable for wanting a little bit of slack, or should I just accept that I'm dating Dr. Manhattan and let it go?
—In Love With a Super Computer
Dear In Love,
Did you conclude on your own that your boyfriend is a genius, or is this one of the things he had to articulate to poor, dumb you? I don't know what his IQ is, but his emotional intelligence comes in somewhere around "dolt." I'll take your word that you're dating a virtual Einstein, but take mine that he's an arrogant twit who's got you confusing bullying for brilliance. It's also possible he has some kind of disorder that leaves him unable to process the feelings of others. If so, he should be seeking help, or else he is destined to go through life alienating co-workers, friends, and loved ones like you. Actually, you might want to examine why you have spent three years being told by Mr. Spock that what you say has no validity because it lacks rationality. Mr. Spock and Dr. Manhattan are effective characters because while they seem human, their lack of emotion and empathy means they aren't quite. So give your mastermind a copy of Emotional Intelligence and tell him it's about a subject in which he's deficient, but it's important for the two of you that he learn.
Dear In Love,
While everybody has their strengths, they also have their weaknesses. A boyfriend who does not validate your views and feelings is nothing more than an insecure and covertly mentally abusive individual. A love partner should not make you feel inferior even when their strength in one particular area is better than yours.
It is not possible that his side of EVERY disagreement is the right one. That is not realistically nor statistically possible. When a person is made to feel "wrong" all the time, they eventually stop bothering, begin to self doubt and their self esteem lessens.
A loving person does not flaunt their strengths and invalidate their partners. A loving person accepts the differences in the one they love, supports their partner's strengths and both encourages and supports them in improving their weak spots (in a loving, non-condescending way).
Here are some things to consider:
Does he constantly surround himself only with people who "blow smoke up his ass"?
Does he insult, put down, or point out the flaws of those who are not "blowing smoke" or (worse) are challenging his views?
Do your family and friends dislike him or merely tolerate him because you love him?
Does he always make excuses or declines activities and celebrations when it involves your friends and family?
Does he fail to acknowledge or praise you on anything you do?
Does he rarely compliment you?
Does he not encourage you to pursue your own goals and dreams if it does not involve him?
Does he belittle your goals or imply that they are not important?
Does he lie to others to make himself look better?
Does he try to convince you that your friends or family are not worth being around?
Does he seek attention (covertly or overtly) from other women?
If you want to talk about something he's done wrong, does he turn it around to somehow be your fault?
Do you find yourself having to continuously point out his good points to friends and family to explain why you are with him?
Is your self esteem even slightly lower than when you started dating him?
Would you be unhappy if, ten years from now, he still is not validating your feelings and continues to treat you the exact same way?
As a therapist and someone who has dated a guy with these traits, I think it is valid for me to say: If you answered yes to even one of these questions, run! Any of these on top of what you have already described is an unhealthy relationship with an insecure individual that will likely end up hurting your own self esteem.
You are worthy of being treated with respect and love. You are worthy being in a relationship that enhances who you are and your views and feelings are, not only validated, but encouraged.
—Dr Schnookleheimer
Monday, October 20, 2008
to sleep perchance to....not wake up until morning
Hey Universe! What's going on with this lack of sleep thing?
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
the word of the day is today
Today is the day I do, rather than plan to do.
Today is the day I live.
Today is the only day I have.
Today I can think about tomorrow or yesterday or last year,
but only as inspiration for today.
Today I am the best me I can be.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
embracing light
But I think it's time to break the silence.
I feel something is missing when I am not expressing myself.
Something has shifted in me and I am trying to embrace it.
More to come.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
sometimes you just have to kick off your shoes and hike
And now, back to work, in a small office, without so much room to fit more than two client chairs. But when things seem stuffy, I will recall the salty breeze of yesterday.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
i ain't go no monkey butt
I am truly a sucker for clever marketing. Of course, I usually only buy the products once, so how cleaver is it really?
blue plate special
The calm of the place was delightful. A sense of peace filled me as I casually read page after page of my book, while dipping bland french fries into some Heinz 57, avoiding turning the page with greasy fingers.
For that hour life was simple and stress-free and perfectly indulgent.
I need more moments like these.
Monday, September 15, 2008
spin's baa-aack!
The spinning room.
The tilting floor.
The nausea.
I had to call in sick (and I have no sick time yet) and hit the walk in clinic today. (Due to some sort of screw up with my health insurance not starting when it was supposed to.)
The doc drugged me up to deal with inner ear problems due to seasonal allergies (Yay! Welcome back to Long Island and the horrific allergens, Melissa.)
At this point, I'll take what I have to in order to stop the room from spinning and making me want to yack.
It's an inner ear thing like I had suspected a couple of weeks ago. This will likely be a reoccurring issue. GRRRRRR!!!! Long Island has horrible allergen levels and we live in a basement apartment (double whammy).
I am going to have to get crazy consistent with the neti pot once the meds are done, and try to be more diligent with avoiding possible foods that can exasperate the problem.
Nothing like a few good bouts with vertigo to get one's butt in gear towards better self care.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
rabbit goes wack
rabbit goes wack
Originally uploaded by misslissa13
I'm amused.
sherman makes progress
Normally, when he is out of his cage he will only run around or explore is if one of us is sitting on the floor with him. Earlier today, when I was cleaning in the kitchen, he started running laps around my feet! Progress, I tell you! And he simply cracks me up! I'm thrilled that he is becoming more comfortable and (dare I say) happy in his new and forever home. Finally the year of neglect he suffered in his original place of residence is becoming a fading memory for him. Yippee!
Here's a video someone posted on youtube of their bunny doing lots of binkies (I'll get one of Shermie soon):
i want to be a proton
Now I'm off to positively influence the apartment a little more (fall cleaning...woot woot!), go to work for a few hours and hit the gym for another cardio workout.
Monday, September 8, 2008
everyone needs a little iron in their diets
I love working out at a gym, so we joined one yesterday. Though I have been out of touch with it in recent years, part of who i am
is an out of practice athlete, but an athlete none the less. Half a lifetime ago, I played many sports: ice hockey, field hockey, baseball, softball, volleyball, soccer, something that resembled ballet, skiing and even street games (hockey, stick ball, kickball, etc.).
Recently, I have inconsistently participated in hiking, walking, jogging, yoga and weightlifting.
With the weights and cardio, I always do well on consistency
when i belong to a fitness center. This one we joined rocks and it's super low cost. The downside is, they do not offer classes, but they do have group training times so you can learn more about the machines and designing general or targeted training and nutrition plans.
Today's agenda: Do some cleaning, go to work, and then Groovy and I are heading over to the gym for some cardio work instead of TV watching.
Improved motivation, health and self I come!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
love for adoption ran an article this morning about North Shore Animal League taking in 100 dogs from a puppy mill in West Virginia. In the market for a new furry family member?
Sunday, August 31, 2008
blood seeking missiles
om in the home
On a positive, as I grow more aware of how I walk through life, I also become less attached to things. I find it much easier now to part with things than I have in the past. My goal now is to simplify. Yes, it is nice to have possessions, but I want to be realistic. I no longer want to hold on to stuff for the sake of having stuff. I want less things in order to be able to actively use the things I need and want to use, without extraneous things hindering this.
I want to keep my cleaning of the apartment as simple as: keep, toss, donate
I want to be realistic in the "oh, I use this such-and-such someday" and get rid of the "Yeah, I might use it eventually but right now it is useless and taking up too much space" things.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
can you guess what's been affecting me lately?
That's right.....uncontrollable need to post videos about spinning vertigo.
No, actually I've been having some wicked inner ear thing going on, making my world spin....and not in a good way. And THAT is what's causing me to voraciously post video clips.
Friday, August 29, 2008
what's the meaning of this?
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
good reason to clean
August 27, 2008
Aries (3/21-4/19)
One of the very best ways to remind yourself that you are the commander in chief of your life is by rearranging your life -- literally. It's time for some house cleaning! Now, before you get annoyed at the prospect of organizing closets and scrubbing out the refrigerator, stop and think about it. What better way is there to feel powerful than by improving your living situation in such a way that, every day moving forward, you can actually see the influence you have?
the line
small home
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
365 days
well there you are
Thursday, August 21, 2008
623 atwells ave
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
h p lovecraft
It's the birthday of H. P. Lovecraft, born Howard Phillips Lovecraft in 1890 in Providence, Rhode Island. He wrote science fiction, fantasy, and horror, a genre that during his life was called simply "weird fiction." Lovecraft wrote hundreds of poems and short stories, but they were scattered throughout various pulp magazines and publications. It was only after his death that some of the people he had corresponded with in letters were determined to share his work with the public, so they formed a press called Arkham House specifically as a way to publish Lovecraft's work. They issued The Outsider and Others in 1939, and his books are still widely available— books like The Dreams in the Witch House and Other Weird Stores (1932). Fantasy and horror writers like Stephen King and Neil Gaiman consider Lovecraft one of their major influences, and Jorge Luis Borges wrote a story, "There Are More Things," in memory of Lovecraft.
from The Writer's Almanac 8/20/08
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
flick flick... hello! this is the universe calling!
Perhaps the adversity is the Universe flicking you in the back of the head to make you take notice of something. Best to not ignore that because it will not ease up until you do something.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
gonna get my polka on!
This year, I will even teach my goddaughter how to polka even though that probably means I will be one-two-three-hopping with her in my arms. It's all good!
As I may have mentioned in a previous blog, part of my heritage is Polish (I'm a true American mutt). My maternal great-grandparents were from Poland, and my grandmother spent part of her life living in Europe. My great-grandmother (the only great grandparent still living when I was born) spoke mainly Polish and my grandmother was bilingual. Unfortunately, as is true with most acculturated American families, the native language was not taught to the next generation. Sigh, perhaps one day I will learn more than the few words and the children's folk story I know. But at this street fair, you don't need to speak the language or be Polish to enjoy. And enjoy it I will! I will even bring along my camera to capture some of it to share.
Miłego dnia, do jutra!
(Have a nice day, see you tomorrow!)
Friday, August 15, 2008
and they called him sherman

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
rabbit rescue
Okay, enough blogging, I have a bunny to cuddle.