Thursday, December 15, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
oh baby
My wonky dreams have touched on different topics:
An entire dream about a waffle iron that was half flat, missing the lovely little waffle craters
Another entire dream about undercooked rice pilaf
One about Harry Connick, Jr. having a crush on me
In another one, a woman was re-insulating my attic. (In real life, she went to my elementary school when we were kids.) The attic was huge, much larger than the house's footprint, and there was a huge picture window that was rotting out and letting in tons of rain water despite it being sunny outside.
My most recent dream involved me spontaneously deciding to run a 10K without any training. All the while I was thinking, "this is probably not a good idea while pregnant," yet I kept running.
One hundred and fifty two days until my estimated due date. That's a whole lot of opportunity for a whole lot of wonky pregnancy dreams.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
get a job???
Here's my story:
I was not only working my last full time job for three years, but I was also working one day a week in a private therapy office renting space. Having purchased a home much further away from the full time job, I started searching for, and found, a job in the county that I reside. I did the right thing and put in my required four week notice at my full time job. Well at the three week mark, the new job offer was rescinded.
I requested to extend my resignation to give myself a cushion to continue job searching but the agency did not allow it. Fortunately, at the private group practice I was renting space at, the income was good. I continued my job search for a full time work but at least there was some income for me. Then that office I was renting was no longer available for rent.
I have continued my job search, started renting an independent therapy office, I have registered with two temp agencies, I am sending out copies of my resume to openings every week and even pounding the pavement for seasonal work. I have three college degrees and a solid work history. Does any of this sound lazy to you?
I still have no job. The temp agencies haven't had much. The private therapy practice is growing slowly but not yet covering the cost of my rent and additional insurance so I am not even breaking even. I am considered over-qualified for seasonal work that I am very willing to do. Then there is the fact that, though employers are not legally allowed to discriminate or be swayed against pregnant applicants, it's more difficult for a pregnant woman to get hired.
So, when you say or re-post those "Get a job" sentiments think first because it can be perceived as hurtful. Being unemployed and unable to find work to provide for your family despite trying is a difficult situation to handle. So please don't criticize and make assumptions about us. Are there lazy people in this world? Of course there are. Some of them are even employed and don't do squat while at their jobs, but I assume by your posts that they probably have value to you because they've got a job.
Get a job? I'm trying.
Monday, November 21, 2011
things that i don't understand
The excitement of the Twilight movies.
Stealing from others.
Hatred of other religions.
Adopting an animal only to neglect or abuse it.
Not wanting to help others.
The appeal of sunbathing.
The Jerry Springer Show.
People that get upset over another person being vegetarian/vegan.
People that enjoy washing dishes.
Those that couldn't fall in love with a puppy.
Getting messy drunk.
People that don't enjoy the outdoors.
Going to the store on Black Friday.
Needing the newest/best/most technologically advanced products out there.
Not liking pumpkin desserts.
There are plenty more things I don't understand, but these are the ones that are on my mind right now.
Friday, November 18, 2011
when i conceived...
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Double dose of "dang, people are idiots."
not-so-extreme couponing
Enter the life challenge: financial strain. This has made frugality a necessity. In the past, I would occasionally clip a coupon or two but then I'd usually forget to bring them to the store. I started to get more serious about couponing. Not like the people on Extreme Couponing. I have no idea how they have the time of patience to do that, but I am amazed at what they are able to accomplish. I also wish some of their tricks would rub off on me.
Last time I went food shopping, I decided to see what I could save with sales and coupons and, to my surprise, I was able to save 77 dollars! May not be a whole lot, but when you do not have much money coming in, every little bit counts. And, I must admit, it was kind of fun. I can certainly see why the "extremers" get a rush out of it.
I'm going to try and figure more of this couponing thing out and try and save. Hmmmm...should I start stocking up on diapers now?????
Monday, November 14, 2011
oozing love hormones
Look at that picture! Boddington can just brighten my day just by being cute while napping. It's noticing these little moments and just being able to sit with them that makes life so full. It also gets the oxytocin flowing. Love, love, love!
Something else that is filling my life and my oxytocin quota: being pregnant. Yes, folks, I am pregnant, with child, knocked up, have a bun in the oven, incubating a child, etc. And it's amazing! I am thankful that it has been relatively uneventful so I am truly enjoying the experience. During the first trimester, I only experienced morning sickness four times for only a minute each. I was also really exhausted the first eleven weeks but that has passed.
It is all so wondrous, being able to see and watch the baby grow and dance on ultrasound. I've seen it's tiny little bladder and even both lobes of it's brain. The best is hearing it's rapid little heartbeat thump, thump, thumping away. I have already fallen in love with this sweet little kidlette who is all safe and sound in my womb. Life is good.
Friday, October 21, 2011
the adventures continue
First off, hurricane Irene swept through. The hurricane itself left us unscathed. Unfortunately, while we were under mandatory evacuation, the burglars decide to not evacuate...until they robbed my house blind. The positive outcome of this (a positive outcome of being robbed???) is that some relatives not only replace the window that was smashed out for entry, but generously replaced all of the windows that were original to the house (1960).
On the work front, the office I was renting at didn't work out. (They gave me NO notice, just left me a voice message that I can no longer rent the office the day before I work. Yes, a voice message. Coincidentally this was the week after they brought in another therapist who they were friends with and gave her many hours, including the one day I rented. But that must just be coincidence.) Luckily I found an amazing office to rent. Now to get on the marketing and get me some clients.
On the personal front, life is great. Everyone is healthy and well. My nephew is growing more amazing every day. The rabbits and dog are sweet and loving as always. Though I still feel the need to rescue another dog, right now is not the right time. Doctor said I'm vitamin D deficient (really, Melissa, but you tan so much???? ha ha ha) so I've added that to my daily supplements. We'll see how that goes. Two weeks and I feel no different but maybe it's making an internal difference. Guess I will find out next blood test.
I'm enjoying the leaves beginning to turn bright colors and the crispness in the air! Well, I'm off to run some errands with the puppy and visit my folks to see their new kitchen floor. Oh, and I've got exciting stuff in the works. Will definitely write about it soon.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
giving back (survey)
What do you feel are the most important global societal/environmental issues in the world today?
What charities/organizations do you know of that are addressing the above issue(s)?
What are the needs in your local community? (please include some description of the town or type-of area you are referencing, i.e. urban, suburban, specific town name, state, etc.)
What charities/organizations are addressing these local issues?
What would you like to see improve in your local community?
What type of volunteer/donating/causes are you involved in?
If money/time wasn't a factor, what cause would you get involved?
What are the everyday things you do to try and make the world a better place?
Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions for me. Love you all!
well hello there
As for me, life keeps happening whether or not I am blogging about it. Just a few things I've been up to: working on building my private therapy practice, tried to bring another dog into the family which didn't work out, organized my book shelves, planning for the next adventure (more on that later), and transitioned from pesca-lacto-ovo vegetarian to lacto-ovo vegetarian. I've been enjoying lots of organic and homegrown goodies this summer, as well as having a fenced in yard to let the dog romp leash-free. Taking my vitamins every day has been on an upswing, but exercising every day has not (tsk tsk). My toe is broken...again...the exact same way I broke it a couple of months ago (who the heck put that couch leg there?). I've been feeling detached yet completely connected. Tomorrow my beautiful nephew gets baptized. (I will bring my fire extinguisher in case I burst into flames when I enter the church.) I find myself bubbling over with love in my heart and want to share it with the world.
Okay, your turn. Go!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
shake your booty
I declare today Shake Your Booty Day. At some point today do a little booty shaking dance of joy, just because. In case you need some inspiration:
This is the start of week two of only working one day a week. Let me tell you, this is wonderful! (One of the reasons I feel like shaking my booty.) I feel alive again. This may have to do with the increase in sleep and decrease in stress.
Of course, having less work doesn't mean I am sitting around eating bonbons. Having a new house, there are lots of projects to get done. Many of which are creative and fun, others, well, those are tasks but must get done. Maybe if I shake my booty while doing them, they won't seem tedious.
I am loving spending more time with the animals (two rescue rabbits and a rescue dog in case you are keeping score) and taking lots of walks. I am loving having time to make some new and exciting vegetarian meals. I am loving having time to engage in creative endeavors. I am loving fully embodying the joy in my life.
fill your day with
booty shaking.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
ninja for hire
Saturday will come and go and I will finally be able to sleep easy. "What? How can you sleep easy??? You are going to be under-employed, Dr. Schnookleheimer!" This is how: I put on my accounting green visor and crunched some numbers. I figured out how many clients I would have to see at my private practice to cover office rent, pay for supervision/training and make the same salary a week as my full time gig and realized it is very doable: 8 clients. I recalculated a number of times because I couldn't believe it. Eight. Dang! I can do it in one full day. What??? Yes, you saw that right: one full day (or two half days).
Now let's compare:
F/T job:
1- 35 hour/5 days per week
2- huge commute (gas $$$)
3- earning money for a large agency
4- 80+ person caseload that I have no control over
5- supervisor, program director, compliance manager, utilization review committee, assistant agency director and CEO to answer to
6- minimal room for advancement
Private practice:
1- 12 hour (including supervision/training)/1 or 2 days per week
2- almost half the commute
3- earning money for myself
4- caseload I control
5- I'm my own boss
6- advancement by growing my business as I want
Monday, June 13, 2011
come here, let me take a nibble
my life is not a timeline
The past few months I have been working six-day work weeks. Five days at a full time gig and one day at a private office. The full time place is where I've been for three years. It was always a distance to travel to but once I moved into the house my commute became much too long. Gas prices and all the extra time in the car became too much, so I started looking for another place to hang my hat for eight hours a day. A few resume submissions later, I landed a three-day position working with the geriatric population. Though it was the same commute, it was only three days and I would be traveling towards the lovely East End of Long Island. It is a beautiful commute passing farm stands, vineyards and quaint towns. I figured, what the heck. I would gain experience working with the only population I hadn't focused on so I said yes.
I had submitted my required four weeks notice at my full time job and was thrilled about this new adventure in my career. The first two weeks I had jury duty on top of the full time gig and my private clients.My exhaustion has been evident to everyone around me. Forgetfulness, stress and insomnia have taken over my days. Then, last week a bomb dropped. The job offer had been rescinded by the higher up boss. I was so taken aback I just responded with an "okay, well thank you anyway" and hung up the phone.
My head spinning, I couldn't even think. Later that day, my iced tea cap reminded me "the sun will come out tomorrow"
and I got this photo
which promptly reminded me that there are more important things in my life. Everything will be okay.
I have always believed that I land the jobs I am supposed to have. It took me a few days to find the lesson in this rescinded offer and the loss of ground but last night it hit me. I have learned to let go of the fear. I am surrendering to the unknown and it is okay. There are some options and, ultimately, none of them are wrong. They are just the next choice I make and if that one does not work out, there will be another choice to make later.
The lesson:
My life is not a timeline, it is a river with many twists and turn. There is even and eddy or two every now and then. Sometimes you have to flow with water and see where it takes you, and other times you have to swim like the dickens to get what you want. It is always vital to have a picnic on the bank on a regular basis (ah, self care). Currently, I need to surrender and flow with the water. It just feels right.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
i think i can, i think i can, i...i...think i need some rest
I'm doing my darnedest to keep my head above water and not let myself get sick. That is what happened at the end of grad school.
I've been taking my vitamins and trying to get my veggies in but am doing very little self-care besides that. A true example of what NOT to do at times of stress. If anyone has some extra tips, hints or ideas to help me through the next couple of weeks, I'd love to hear them.
Friday, June 3, 2011
son of a biscuit
A couple of cups of joe later, I am starting to feel as human as I possibly can. I predict this is going to one of those want-to-giggle-at-everything days. At least this makes these kind of days amusing. Now, for some reason, I want biscuits.
Happy Friday, critters! I'm off to work.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
choke on this
Here's some interesting info:
On this day in 1974, Henry Jay Heimlich published his "Heimlich Maneuver" in the Journal of Emergency Medicine. The article was called "Pop Goes the Café Coronary." Less than three weeks later, the maneuver was used successfully in a restaurant in Bellevue, Washington. As of 2006, the American Red Cross recommends the "five and five" approach: five sharp blows to the back, followed by five abdominal thrusts if the back blows are not effective.
Heimlich's son Peter has dedicated a website to exposing what he calls his father's "50-year history of fraud." He writes: "At age 48, I came to realize that my father was a danger to others and to himself. Since then I've done what I could to bring the facts to public attention in order to expose the 'poison ideas' circulated by my father and his cronies, a motley crew of hacks, quacks, and narco doctors." Among other things, he accuses his father of stealing the "Heimlich maneuver" from a colleague, faking his medical credentials, and deliberately infecting people with malaria to cure them of AIDS, cancer, and Lyme disease.
(The above section from The Writer's Almanac 6.1.2011)
In honor of this day, go choke on something but remember this sign:
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
little house on the bay
Mowed the lawn with the new reel mower. It works awesome and so quiet. I started mowing the same time as the neighbor across the street with the same size lot. He was pushing a gas mower yet I finished mowing before him. Helps to not have to stop to fill the tank.
Did a mess-load of planting flowers and vegetables.
Put up chicken wire around the raised beds.
Moved some large rocks to line the beds flanking the front entry. Glad the previous owner has not picked up their wheelbarrow yet.
This morning:
Two loads of laundry including drying using the clothes line.
Did some more unpacking of stuff.
Cleaned the rabbits' cages and discovered the Beatrix (the new rescue rabbit) can jump over the dog pen.
Paid some bills.
And now I am off to work! Only three weeks left at this job, which is bittersweet. More on that later.
Monday, May 30, 2011
unfinished business
I jokingly ponder if I have developed ADD, but check my DSM-IV just in case.
I'm not good at staying on just one task for any length of time.
I get bored with mundane or routine tasks.
I want to jump in to all the creative projects and can never decide which I want to do first. This leads to a severe case of "project jumping" (starting lots of tasks and switching from one to another instead of giving my full attention to one and completing it).
Same thing with books. I'm inevitably in the middle of five books at once.
Being tired enhances lack of focus. My weeks of jury duty while working two jobs did not help. Luckily the trail is done and soon I will be working four days a week.
With the new house, there is so much more to do to make it feel and look as I want it to. I want to be completely done but there are a lot of time consuming tasks, I need to be more realistic with the outcome of this. Or I need to hire someone to help with the tasks I don't feel like tackling.
Sometimes tasks lead to minor setbacks. Sure a huge amount of the gardening was done yesterday, but now I am trying to quell the itch of mosquito bites (they must love the taste of Melissa basted in essential oils). Now, I am avoiding a few tasks I have to do outside. They can wait until I itch no more and wear a hazmat suit for protection.
I'll writer more at another time because the other side of unfinished business are internal changes. They deserve their own post. Plus, I am off to tackle yet another task. Which one? Not sure yet. We'll see when I get up from this chair. Now where did I put my hazmat suit?
Saturday, May 28, 2011
i'm a hog
I am overjoyed! This was the first week and it included head lettuce, arugula, radishes, oregano and thyme. Keeping it simple, I've enjoyed a crisp salad with homemade Italian dressing. Added some store bought organic grape tomatoes and soy chick'n for a delicious meal. Another head of lettuce for a side salad to some pasta with the remaining arugula wilted in with some garlic, sun dried tomato and olive oil is on the menu for this evening.
I love that we are getting new, fresh organic veggies every week. I hope to try new ones that I haven't cooked with before. It's a summer adventure, I tell you. I must admit I have never bought radishes before. I am surprised I had forgotten how tasty they were. Definitely going to include them on my shopping list in the future. Additionally, I like that the whole season is paid for in advance. This guarantees I will be getting my veggies in even on tightly budgeted weeks.
As for home gardening, I've already planted tomato, green beans, cucumber, mint and strawberries, and built two more raised beds for additional planting. Spaghetti squash seems to have planted itself from the compost. I'm excited to see how they do. Luckily, the deer are more attracted to the hastas and the chicken wire is keeping the neighborhood cats out of the garden.
Here's to healthy eating!
Friday, May 27, 2011
i'm a listasaurus
I love the metal clang clang clang of railroad crossing gates
I want to own a wellness center with retail space and a resource library
I have never had a cast for a broken bone
I started dying my hair at age 16
I appreciate all of my past relationships, even the ones that made me sad
I was engaged three times in my life
My favorite color is orange but I am very drawn to blues
I once considered joining the FBI
My top two weirdest first dates: one included going to a shooting range, the other was a thrash metal show followed by watching a meteor shower
I get mental blocks with names and titles
I'm digging this song right now:
and this one:
What was your name again?
I wonder where all the poets have gone
Experiencing music and art feeds my soul
When I'm tired, I eat
I believe that cereal is an ideal meal in a bowl with rice milk
I love the smell of a box of crayons
I am extremely tactile and can get fascinated and focused on the feel of a single texture for a long time
If I were you, I'd make a list too.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
no contempt
Now, onto something (not) completely different:
Thursday, May 19, 2011
i'm number one, i'm number one, i'm number...
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
pow! right in the kisser
Monday, May 16, 2011
words from a mini-shrink
You may not be able to change a strong-willed, hormonal 12-year-old or a stubborn, angry adult, but you can change how you respond to them. You cannot control what another person does but you can control how you respond. Imagine someone throwing lit matches at you. Are you going to respond like paper and catch fire or are you going to respond like water and diffuse their attacks? The first way, (i.e. fighting back) will often lead to an escalation of anger with no productive resolution. The latter of the two, you respond to what they are throwing at you rationally, even if they are being irrational. There is more of a possibility of resolution this way. Incidentally, this often indirectly facilitates change in the other person.
When you argue back with a child, you have already lost. It takes a lot of patience and rational discussion to communicate effectively. When there is opposition from a child, give them two or three options (all of which are ones you'd be okay with them choosing) and let them make the decision. This gives them a sense of control (which lowers their frustration) while still getting results with which you would be satisfied seeing.
Self care, self care, self care. Life, even under the best circumstances, is stressful. You need to take care of yourself before you can fully take care of others.
Don't underestimate the power of breath. Slow steady breathing keeps the blood pressure down and the mind focused.
Be very concrete and clear with expectations and consequences when they are not met. This way there will be no question in the other person's mind as to what you want. No point in being vague or wishy-washy.
Acknowledge other peoples' feelings, even if you don't agree with them. "You look like you are really angry with me. Is this true?" (let them agree or disagree and tell you what is really going on with them.) We all want our feelings validated. Avoid that infamous statement "I know how you feel" because even if you believe you do, you only know it through your realm of experience. Their perception is uniquely their own.
Adolescents and teens are learning about themselves and testing the waters. Give them guidelines but let them figure things out for themselves. All of us need to travel our own path.
Adolescents very much experiencing a second terrible twos. This will pass with nurturing and LOTS of patience. Their brains are not developed fully. They don't have the cognitive ability to rationalize fully, instead they are being driven by emotions and hormones.
When all else fails, take a vacation by yourself to a remote tropical island to get away from it all and take a few deep breaths.
music wafts deftly through the crisp air
the road not taken by robert frost
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth.
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same.
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
is judge wapner presiding?

My second jury notice in New York, well, I had already moved to Colorado. Obviously, I did not have to come in.
Third notice was to serve in Colorado and the notice stated it was even for for a major murder trail! Exciting! They said if you are over 70 miles from the court house, they would pay some nominal fee extra for mileage. I had just moved to Rhode Island and they were not willing to pay for 19000 miles in nominal mileage fees. Shucks.
This time they got me in the right state. For many years Suffolk County had a system where you got a number and you didn't have to come in unless your Friday call in included your juror number. This system is no more. Now they have four chunks of numbers and everyone has to show up. Friday call in now reveals which court and what time you need to be there. So it goes that Monday afternoon I will be going to the court house. To make my day enjoyable, I am going to meet up with my dearest friend for some brunch beforehand. I will have a couple of books with me to bide the time while sitting and waiting. Then I am going to catch up with a friend I haven't seen in many years. Should prove to be an interesting day.
Oh, and I'd settle for Judge Judy if Wapner isn't available. Did you know he dated Lana Turner in high school?
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
taking time to smell the trees at 55mph
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
i should be getting ready for work...
Underlying: as in lying or situated beneath, substratum, fundamental and basic
Pervasive: as in spreading throughout all parts
Joy: as in great happiness, pleasure, bliss, delight, ecstasy and elation
I don't know where this stemmed from but I am guessing this seed was planted long, long ago and it has been germinating for years. It has been blooming for a good ten years, growing stronger and more fragrant daily. This feeling is there during mundane tasks and celebratory moments alike. I feel this even in times of sorrow, grief, upset and anger.
Monday, May 9, 2011
hang up the f*@#ing phone because I drive a lexus
The day was Friday around 5:15pm. I was driving my standard transmission car on a two-lane main road during the rush hour commute. My normal habit at red lights is to put my car in first gear to anticipate the upcoming green light. Well, it was Friday. I was tired. While sitting at a light in the right lane, I failed to put the car into first. The light turned green and I attempted to accelerate to no avail. The car barely budged. In my post-work head space, I looked down at my stick shift in confusion. When I realized it was in third gear I corrected my mistake and began to accelerate. Apparently, all of this took much to much time for Mr. Lexus, who was behind me, and his very important timeline. He pulled up next to me while I was gazing down to see what gear I was in and assumed I was on the phone, distracted from the fact that the light changed.
He began screaming and gesturing for me to hang up the f*@#ing phone. I just looked at him with a calm and rather blank confused stare, wondering why this guy is so incredibly angry.
First and most importantly, I was not on my cell phone.
Second, if you want to be upset that I took a moment to accelerate, at least scream "LEARN TO PUT THE CAR YOU HAVE DRIVEN SINCE 2005 INTO THE PROPER GEAR SO YOU CAN GET THE HELL OUT OF MY VERY IMPORTANT WAY!!!!" Then I would say, fair enough and touche' Mr. Lexus.
Third, if you really were that anxious to get to your very important destination, why are you wasting your time yelling three times at me before zipping dangerously in front of me from the left lane next to me to the right side entrance ramp you needed to get to?
Not that I don't get angry or annoyed myself, but this guys level of anger was way too intense even if I was on the phone. There must have been veins bulging in his forehead. This can not be good for his health. At least I am able to find the humor in it and, in some odd way, this event brightened my day (despite my concerns for the over population of overly stressed, type-a, Lexus driving angry men in the world).
when you come from good people

syringa, it's springa!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
see you at cheap johns!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
new adventure
I wonder why psychiatrists are called "shrinks" and therapists aren't?
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Your opintions requested
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
need some change?
As a mental health counselor, I am constantly working with people to help them find the means of change in themselves. They often get overwhelmed by the tasks at hand: Reducing severe depression, dealing with auditory hallucinations, coping with family discourse, dealing with intense mood swings, handling emotional reactions in a rational manor or improving their life situations. These are all common topics that can feel like insurmountable tasks.
Empowering people (including myself) to change for the better is never an all or nothing task. Small changes really do add up to eventual larger scale changes. And, yes, there are often setbacks. Life is usually not a straight, smooth path. A minor setback does not equate to failure. The realization that we didn't become (depressed, anxious, overweight, disorganized, frazzled...fill in the blank) overnight and we are not going to change completely overnight.
What are you willing to change today?
Can you replace a self-deprecating phrase with a positive one? No? How about start by recognizing when you are putting yourself down which many people do unconsciously?
Can you make an effort to smile at a stranger and brighten their day?
Are you willing to eat one piece of fruit today than you did yesterday?
How about taking five minutes to do some deep breathing or enjoy something in nature?
Would sorting through a desk be too much? Then how about just one pile of papers?
Can you track your hallucinations to become aware of when they happen and what might be triggering them?
Are you unhappy with a body part (i.e. my thighs are too big)? Can you find the positive traits of that body part (my thighs help me walk through the park)?
Can you go for a stroll instead of napping on the couch for just ten minutes?
Change is stressful for many people, but it is also inevitable. Are you willing to take control of something today and make a change for the better? If today is too much of a time frame, how about this hour? This moment? Something small, something attainable. Then tomorrow, ask yourself the same question. Before you know it those overwhelming tasks will become manageable.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
love you life and it will love you (most of the time)
Health scare/health scare not existing
Connecting with people/hearing about the death of an amazing person
Being in an unfulfillable place/doors opening
Being asked to be a godmother/not having a church to certify my holy-roliness
It fascinates me how energy seems to find balance, whether it is some mellow medium or at extremes.
What also fascinates me, sometimes in a scary way, are religious extremists. I'm not even referring to the ones you see on the news, as scary as they are with their violence and hatred. What I am talking about are people that have found Jesus/religion (not a bad thing) but then take it to the extreme as if it were an addiction. That's the part that I find scary. I have seen self-proclaimed saved people spew hatred for others because their belief system is the only right one and the others are wrong, wrong, wrong. Seems to me that if your belief system truly is the only right one, then why worry about other peoples' beliefs if they are not directly harming yours? Their beliefs do not make your beliefs untrue, why do you get so upset about it? It's not good for your blood pressure and it certainly isn't good P.R. for your religion: "Our way is right, your way sucks. Hey, you wanna convert?"
I am all for faith, spirituality and religious freedom, but I am against hatred towards others because they don't call their god God. And why attack a holy book based on what you think it says, why not read it and judge for yourself? Reading another religion's holy book does not mean you agree with it. At the very least, read Aldous Huxley's Perennial Philosophy and maybe you will start to realize that there is a common truth throughout all the major religions so there really is no need for ire.
Then take the positive energy you have from your beliefs and help your community. Don't waste time on hatred, it's unproductive. Be a mentor, donate time in a food pantry at a time other than the holidays, visit an elderly neighbor, donate money to a cause you believe in, walk a shelter dog, become a foster parent, start a neighborhood clean up, or smile at someone on the street that may even have a different faith than you. Positive energy can balance out as much as angry energy in a much nicer way.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
i'm gonna do it! aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
wonder if that sign said no dumping
I never understood the idea of dumping trash. What makes it so difficult to leave things at your own curb, make a phone call for pick up or take things to the local dump. Selfishness and inconsiderateness must be the top reasons. But what I really want to know is, how do you combat it?
I love my new neighborhood more so than I had ever anticipated. There is beautiful scenery, fantastic houses and lovely people living here. Is it possible for those of us who take pride in the area to combat those who do not care?
We are trying to do our part as best we can. Graffiti removal has cleaned up our stop signs, Boddington always gets picked up after (and is leashed) and trash that is dropped or blown near our house is disposed of properly. We are even contemplating posting random "pick up after your dog" signs in front of unoccupied lots, though the loose dogs can read them. I am not seeking a pat on the back for I believe everyone should do what they can to keep the neighborhood clean. What I want are ideas on what more can be done?
Monday, April 18, 2011
i usually like roller coasters
It is just so amazing that us humans can experience so many concurrent emotions. The up and down kind, I am not a fan. The concurrent and dichotomous emotions amaze me. I have written before about the underlying pervasive joy of which I still experience. With the not-so-good stuff happening: one day I am at ease and acceptance, the next it hits me and gives me a feeling of overwhelm. At these moments, I tend towards introversion and withdrawal. I find this is how I recharge myself with introspective thinking and solitude. I know this is only temporary as I will have a deeper knowledge of what is or isn't going on with my body next week. Until then, I will just have to ride the roller coaster over each summit and dip.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
tea study
Saturday, April 9, 2011
oh deer!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
perhaps i need duct tape?
Example one: Blogging
I love blogging. I enjoy writing, expressing myself and sharing a variety of topics with the world (however near or far). I tell myself I am going to commit to writing more frequently...and then I don't even log on to the computer for anything. I know this is a good thing since I prefer real activities over virtual ones, but I still find joy in the virtual world as well.
Example two: Healthy Habits
I LOVE veggies, I LOVE exercise (seriously), I LOVE LOVE LOVE yoga. I get into the swing of these yummy habits...and then stop like I hit a brick wall. I feel wonderful all around when I am engaging in these, then stress happens and I let them all go. In my mind I know that continuation of good habits is the best way to deal with stress but it still gets thrown out the window.
Example three: Art
Getting back to creative expression has been a long-time struggle. This one I am finally getting back to within my heart. It has been a long time since I was an art major. My path in life has taken many twists and turns but I truly need to get this back and keep it in my life in order to feel whole.
Perhaps duct tape isn't strong enough. Maybe Krazy Glue? I did hold that construction worker to the ibeam really well. Now, to see if I post again tomorrow... (to be continued)
Saturday, March 26, 2011
toes should not be these colors

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
its a fine year too
the year of birth
for myself
and for this telephone pole
and myself, i am a Pole.
Monday, February 28, 2011
seeing red
The upside is that anger is often a good motivator for me, a sort of fuel for the motivational fires. Right now I am pissed and motivated. I feel it coming from the depths of my soul and the bottom of my feet. I feel the urge to stand up against the injustices that are coming my and my peers' way (sorry to be cryptic, but I will be asked to cease and desist if I go into details at this time).
Maybe if I just channel the coolness of Kim Gordon
Hey, Kool Thing, come here, sit down beside me.
There's something I go to ask you.
I just wanna know, what are you gonna do for me?
I mean, are you gonna liberate us girls
From male white corporate oppression?
Tell it like it is!
Don't be shy
Word up!
Fear of a female planet?
Fear of a female planet?
Fear, baby!
I just want to know that we can still be friends
Come on, come on, come on, come on let everybody know
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
oh week, how you are kicking my ass!
Did you ever have a week when you head into work and as you arrive you notice your boss is waiting there with a brand new company car, promotion and hefty raise for you?
Yeah, me neither.
My week, thus far, has been quite the opposite and I feel run down. Watching unfair treatment abound, people losing their livelihoods, and others being seen as commodities makes me want to make some changes, for myself and for others. It is awful when you step back and realize that it doesn't have to be this way but you don't have much power to change things.
Maybe this salmon going upstream needs to recite the beginning of the Serenity Prayer:
God grant me the serenityto accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Oh, and a bat to beat off the evildoers.
Okay, I may added that last line.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
before after after

The gold velvet chair was my grandmother's. Unfortunately, it doesn't photograph well but I love incorporating an heirloom into our decor.